Všechny kurzy

Practical courses

Theoretical courses


    • adam-stech
    • Adam Štěch
    • Design & Architecture
    • scholastikaportrety5-026-edit-scaled-400x400-c-default
    • Jitka Mikulicová
    • Painting
    • scholastika_figma-0131
    • Adam Zaňka
    • Figma
    • Graphic design 2
    • scholastika_ae-0208
    • Kamil Ansorge
    • Adobe After effects
    • marketa-jezkova
    • Markéta Ježková
    • Art History
    • radek-pokorny
    • Radek Pokorný
    • Adobe 1
    • Adobe 2
    • vojtabuchta-010-400x400-c-default
    • Vojtěch Buchta
    • 3D animation
    • snimek-obrazovky-2023-09-06-v16.44.12
    • Marta Maštálková
    • Ateliér grafického designu B
    • snimek-obrazovky-2023-08-21-v13.11.58
    • Sára Matysová
    • Ateliér textilní a oděvní tvorby
    • baramullerova-0079-edit
    • Barbora Müllerová
    • Kurz ilustrace a komiksu
    • snimek-obrazovky-2023-10-10-v17.12.21
    • Pavel Brejcha
    • Ateliér textilní a oděvní tvorby
    • snimek-obrazovky-2023-01-27-v9.04.41
    • Matěj Janský and Cyril Dunděra
    • Interior and us
    • filip-trubac
    • Filip Trubač
    • Photography Course
    • martin-ryz
    • Martin Rýz
    • Adobe After Effects Course
    • magdalena-stastnikova
    • Magdalena Šťastníková
    • Ateliér šperku
    • tomasgelien-0028
    • Tomáš Gelien
    • Kurz interiérového designu
    • klarazapotocka-0013-edit
    • Klára Zápotocká
    • Ateliér grafického designu A
    • michaelfokt-0011-edit
    • Michael Fokt
    • Fotografický seminář
    • Tomáš Staněk
    • Kurz ilustrace a komiksu

  • When do courses start at Scholastika?

    Courses are always semester-long. In the winter semester they start in mid-October and the summer semester usually starts in February/March. The 2024 summer term starts the week of February 26.

  • Is there an Open Day at the courses?

    The Open Day is always held before the start of the semester. The next date is February 12, 2024 (18.00-19.30 at Římská 12, Prague 2).

  • How much does a one semester course cost?

    9 800 Kč
    for courses: 3D Animation, Photography, Graphic Design, Adobe Graphic Programs, Interior Design, Jewellery, Textile Design and Production, Adobe After Effects

    8 700 Kč
    for courses: Drawing, Painting

    8 300 Kč
    for lecture course: History of Design and Architecture

    2 750 Kč
    for lecture course: Art History

    If the membership fee is paid through Benefit Plus or other employee benefits, the membership fee is increased by 15% of the original amount.

    The price of each course does not include materials or software programs (Adobe, Cinema 4D, etc.). In some cases, it is possible to use the school computer where the programs are installed during the course by prior arrangement.

    Price advantages
    1 or 2 completed semesters = 5% discount for the next semester
    3 or more semesters completed = 10% discount for the next semester

    We also offer a discount for combinations of 2 or 3 studios.

    For more information, please see General Terms and Conditions

  • Are there some discounts when attending a combination of courses?

    The basic price for the combination of 2 courses is 16 500 CZK. For a combination of three courses 22 500 CZK. For more information contact us at kurzy@scholastika.cz.

  • What are the cancellation conditions?

    The course fee is recorded as a membership fee of the Scholastika, z.s. An administrative fee of 700 CZK is always deducted when the membership fee is returned.
    Within 2 weeks of the beginning of the semester of the course in question, the membership fee is refunded, minus the administration fee and the lessons taken. Thereafter, and within 1 month of the start of the semester, only 50% of the membership fee, minus the administration fee, is refunded. Thereafter, the membership fee is no longer refundable.

    For more information, see General Terms and Conditions

  • How do I apply for a course?

    The first step is to complete and submit the online application form, which is listed below on this website. We will then notify you of its acceptance, enrolment in the course and payment of the membership fee.

  • Are the courses held only in person or is it possible to join online?

    It is not possible to join the in-person courses online. We offer only one online course, the Art History (online) course.

  • Is there an admissions interview for the courses?

    As of the winter semester 2018, applicants are admitted to the courses without the need for an entrance interview.

  • Is it possible to use the Scholastika space during non-class time?

    Yes, we motivate students to work on school assignments and their own projects. Scholastics is open by appointment every weekday from 12-8 pm.

  • For whom are the courses intended?

    The courses are intended for the general public. Our students are graduates of high schools and universities, people interested in studying at art colleges, people in the field who want to develop their work and better orient themselves in the art and design scene, as well as people who have chosen the course purely as a hobby.

  • Will the courses prepare me for admission to the art college of my choice?

    Yes, that is one of our goals. We are trying to prepare students both theoretically and practically to be more successful in art college admissions. Many Scholastika graduates study at the Academy of Fine Arts, UMPRUM, FaVu, FAMU or UJEP.

  • Will I receive a certificate or certificate upon completion of the course?

    Yes, you will receive a printed certificate upon completion of the course. Certificates are issued on request after the course has been completed in a given semester.

  • In which language are the courses conducted?

    Courses are primarily conducted in the Czech language. However, it depends on the course and the lector whether they will be able to effectively incorporate another language variant into their lessons. If you are interested in studying the course in English, please contact kurzy@scholastika.cz.